Monday, September 29, 2008

Ben and Tristan Hinkhouse

Jenn and Brandon became the proud parents of two adorable twin boys last Tuesday, Ben and Tristan. I had the privilege of being at the hospital while they were being born and even holding Ben just a few minutes later. They were both almost 6lbs and for being 6 weeks early that's pretty big. They are both doing well and have been doing everything their little bodies are supposed to. They have big hopes to come home this weekend as long as they continue to be well and the hospital is allowing Jenn to stay with them free of charge. Today Giuliana came back to the hospital to see them and took some pictures. I can't wait to see them again!

Jenn holding Ben

Jenn feeding Ben

Little Ben, who was awake the whole time I was visiting.

Little Tristan slept the entire time I was visiting.

This was the scene when we walked in! :)

1 comment:

Bug said...

Hooray! Hooray! (one for each of those little sweeties) I would have left this on Jenn's blog, but apparently it's all clandestine. Yay, Jenn and Brandon, yay!