Thursday, October 9, 2008
Today when I picked up Isabella from pre-school her teacher asked if I had 5 minutes to talk. She said that she has noticed that Isabella writes and traces with her right hand and draws, paints and colors with her left hand. She said this could be problematic in Elementary school and that we should encourage her to use only one hand for all writing, drawing, coloring and painting. I thought this was a little silly but I wanted to put it out there and ask for advice, Isabella has been doing this since she could hold a crayon, we never could tell if she was right handed or left handed since she uses both equally. My question is, should I comply with her teacher's request or should I let her express herself in writing the way she feels most comfortable?
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express away!! let her find her natural writing pose. and if she turns out amedextrius (sp?) then even better! jmho
I totally agree!!! A lot of children that age do what Isabella is doing. I even had one student who is 12 and he does the same thing and he is doing very well. I question her teachers knowledge on the subject. love nonna
Good for Isabella. There are lots of ambidextrous people in this world. Obviously her teacher isn't one of them. Look at the huge percent of the world's greatest athletes...they can bat, kick, dribble, pass, jump, whatever, to the right or left. Once again, good for you Isabella!!
Good for Isabella. There are lots of ambidextrous people in this world. Obviously her teacher isn't one of them. Look at the huge percent of the world's greatest athletes...they can bat, kick, dribble, pass, jump, whatever, to the right or left. Once again, good for you Isabella!!
yep, i agree....let her do her own thing with that. i don't see how she'll have any trouble. did the teacher say why that would be a problem in school? i could bat both sides when i played softball and i did gymnastics left side dominant.(though i can only write right handed. it was VERY handy in sports to kind of mess with the other team! keep her at it!! :)
I don't know about preschool teaching but that teacher sounds really wrong. She doesn't make sense. why in the world would that be a problem? She is so absolutely cute with her backpack. Auhhhhhhh!
I write with my left and do everything else with my right, and I came out ok. Ostensibly.
Oh, and I used to write my l's with curly monkey tails, and my teacher told me it would screw up my cursive, however, I now have quite excellent penmanship, thank you.
My dad can write with both hands and that is a good thing, not a bad thing. I think that teacher is ridiculous. Why waste natural talent?
Steven used to do the same thing. Whatever was on the left side of the page was written with the left hand, and whatever was on the right side of the page was written on with the right hand. He turned out okay. It was sports that really confused everyone! He catches left handed, bats right handed.
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