Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday With the Boys

Jenn brought the boys over today and we had a blast. These little guys are so cute, and look, no oxygen! :) I just took a few because I spent most of my time snuggling with my little buddy Ben! Tristan was not happy with me. Aren't they adorable!?!

Burping Tristan

Snuggling with Tristan

Ben again (my buddy today!)

Tristan after I held him!

1 comment:

Nancy B said...

Anna, how do you get those cool backgrounds? I clicked on the website you use, but the directions they give don't correspond with my blogger dashboard. There isn't a "Layout" section or an "add a gadget" button either. What am I doing wrong? How do I get this to work? Please take pitty on this poor techno-dummy. Will you email me and tell me how to do this?
