Our little guy needs a little boost from everyone. He has been having a few setbacks lately. After doing really well for several days he has not been able to come out of his incubator and has been put back on oxygen. The nurses tell us that this is pretty typical but for us, or me, it's heartbreaking and feels like it's going to take that much longer for our little boy to come home. So I am asking for all of our friends and family to pray for him that he can get stronger and start making progress again in weight, breathing, temp control, and feedings. It's amazing what your little one has to do before they can leave the hospital and how most full term newborns do this with little effort right after they are born.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Prayers Please
Our little guy needs a little boost from everyone. He has been having a few setbacks lately. After doing really well for several days he has not been able to come out of his incubator and has been put back on oxygen. The nurses tell us that this is pretty typical but for us, or me, it's heartbreaking and feels like it's going to take that much longer for our little boy to come home. So I am asking for all of our friends and family to pray for him that he can get stronger and start making progress again in weight, breathing, temp control, and feedings. It's amazing what your little one has to do before they can leave the hospital and how most full term newborns do this with little effort right after they are born.
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But of course.
He is so cute. he will be in my prayers.
Will be praying! It's amazing what just 1 extra week in the womb will do for their development. It's hard to appreciate it unless you've had a preemie. The suck, swallow, breath all at the same time doesn't kick in until 36 weeks gestation --- that's why so many have a hard time at first "learning" to eat. Literally, learning how to do things a 37+ weeker can already do "automatically". Josie had the hardest time with the suck, swallow, breath. I dreaded feeding time. NICU/preemie life is hard but you'll look back in a few years and it will seem like such a short time and it's so worth it. They grow so fast --- be sure to take his picture next to something every couple of weeks or every month to chart his growth. We did this with Josie and her yellow bunny. WHen she was born, the bunny was fatter than she was and they were the same length. It's amazing to realize now how tiny she really was. Now she and bunny are BFF's. Pretty cute!!!
Prayers for your family and Jacob!
Have already had him and all of you in my thoughts and prayers. He already looks healthier and stronger. Have no doubt at all that he will be home soon.
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