Monday, July 20, 2009

Not Me Monday

Getting a late start but oh well.

After a long night up with the baby I did NOT let the girls eat ritz crackers for breakfast. I know that getting them started out right is the best thing for them and I would never let them begin their day with such a lousy breakfast.

After banning the kids from our room from now on I did NOT let Isabella back in to nap and have quiet time, I mean rules are rules and they lost that privilege and they need structure.

There is NOT a pile of dead spiders, earwigs, and beetles in our entry way. Once we kill a pest we pick it up and throw it away, we care about how our house looks and we are definitely NOT scared to touch them.

Last week after noticing that our car was broken into we did NOT fail to notice that Jake's bike and pool cue were also stolen out of our garage. We are highly organized and the garage is always spic and span.

Lastly we did NOT waste our time without Isabella and Giuliana home this week by just sleeping in and hit the movie theater. We knew this was the best time to clean out the house and decorate their rooms and catch up with being a family of 3.


jackie said...

So, I don't get these. Did you really not do the things you say, or did you. I don't get it...

Carrie said...

That sucks that someone broke into your garage.