The Brighton Bloggers have been doing this post so I thought I would follow.
1. I don't have a middle name.
2. None of my sisters have middle names either.
3. I used to think not having a middle name made me more Italian...not sure why.
4. I married up.
5. I pretend I know what I am doing.
6. I honestly named my daughter Isabella because it was one of the few Italian names I liked that wasn't already taken in my family, not knowing how popular it was.
7. Though I like Brighton I wish we lived in Golden, somewhere closer to the mountains.
8. I hate seafood, absolutely all of it.
9. My Dad died of cancer almost 3 years ago when I was 20 weeks pregnant.
10. I think my Dad sent me Giuliana.
11. I love the phone and will talk for hours on it if someone would talk to me.
12. I am jealous of how close my sisters are to each other. They are 22 months apart and I am 6 an 8 years older.
13. I love my daughters more than I ever thought I could.
14. I didn't want daughters. My family was all girls and we were really mean to each other.
15. I want more kids.
16. I have been pregnant 5 times with 6 babies. 4 were boys.
17. I haven't been able to have a baby since Giuliana was born.
18.I love drawing and when I was younger I was great at it, I really want to do it again.
19. I have no idea how to decorate a house.
20. I love photography and wish I was better at it.
21. I love staying at home with my kids.
22. I don't want to work outside my house.
23. I am obsessed with the Internet/Email/Blogging.
24. I rarely sleep and am always tired.
25. In the past 5 years I have turned into a major flake.
26. I don't know how to be there for everyone anymore.
27. I am always hungry, big shock.
28. I used to be thin, sometimes I can't believe I am fat now.
29. I don't feel like a fat person.
30. I love my new house but miss my old one.
31. When we go to Las Vegas it feels like home.
32. I would never live in Las Vegas.
33. I love dogs.
34. I am obsessed with cleaning and cleaning products.
35. My house is a HUGE mess most of the time.
35. The TV is on in our house 18 hours a day, no one sits in front of it but it's noise.
36. I am OCD about mail, phone calls and email, I must get them, open everything and respond, Jake doesn't even bother looking at the phone anymore.
37. I hate hot weather and wish it could be 65 or under year round.
38. I despise summer.
39. I am a huge fan of Dr Phil.
40. I think my husband is the most caring and thoughtful man I have ever met.
41. I wish my husband was more romantic.
42. I hate making birthday and Christmas lists, I would rather no gift or just guessing.
43. I always wanted a brother.
44. I wish I was as beautiful as my sisters. I feel guilty when someone tells them we look alike.
45. I love reading but rarely do it.
46. I remember almost every dream I have.
47. I believe in past lives.
48. I put Isabella is soccer because I hope my Dad can see her and he would be proud of both of us.
49. Although I wish my Mom lived closer I don't want her to move out of the house we grew up in. She needs to.
50. I have Antiphospholipid Syndrome which my doctor believes may been the cause of 2 of our miscarriages.
51. Most of my friends are people I have known for 20 years or more.
52. I have never mowed a lawn
53. I don't know how to garden but I wish I did.
54. I love pjs, my kids and I have tons of pjs.
55. Halloween is my favorite holiday, hands down.
56. I love learning about politics but have no idea what's going on still.
57. I own all of the seasons of Home Improvement and watch them when I clean my house.
58. I love bad weather, the last blizzard we had was awesome and I wish it would happen again.
59. I hate scary movies but read about them because I want to know what happens.
60. I love the War song "Low Rider!"
61. I wish I could paint.
62. I am scared to paint walls in my house, I have only done it twice and both times it has turned out fine, I still hate doing it.
63. I would pay Carissa, DeAnna, Krista, Melanie, and Jenn to come paint and decorate my house.
64. I miss my Dad everyday.
65. I love salt and vinegar potato chips.
66. My Mom makes the best salad on the planet.
67. If we had to move I would live in San Francisco or Seattle.
68. I have decided organic foods will dominate my cooking.
69. Up until a year ago I didn't think I knew how to cook.
70. Even though I have cooked about 100 new meals for my family my girls tell everyone that I am only a good cook when I make Mac and Cheese.
71. Pepsi is my favorite drink ever.
72. I don't drink soda anymore.
73. I am ashamed of what a smart mouth I was when I was a kid.
74. Both of my daughters seem to be getting smart mouths and I don't know what to do to stop it.
75. I hate chicken on the bone.
76. I love chocolate milk and still drink it today.
77. I hate laundry.
78. I have recently become a horrible driver....not that I was that great to begin with.
79. I am really sleepy right now.
80. I can't spell.
81. I love watching the local news in different cities.
82. My husband works so much I feel like a single Mom sometimes.
83. I really wish I was done with this list.
84. There are not that many things for me to write about.
85. Did I mention I need help decorating my house??
86. My first real boyfriend turned out to be gay.
87. I love to organize but don't do it right because I never can find anything.
88. I never leave the house fully in one trip, I have to keep going back in for different items that I forgot.
89. I always lose my keys.
90. Jake and I dated 6 months before we started living together.
91. I wish we would have eloped.
92. I am scared of the amount of chemicals in our food and water.
93. I hate to sleep alone and when Jake goes on business trips I have Bella sleep with me.
94. I don't know who I am voting for in the election this year.
95. I wish I knew how to ride a horse.
96. My car is always a mess.
97. I wish Stay at Home Moms got paid.
98. I think this is going to end up being a good year for our family.
99. I cried when my Mom got rid of her land line and hate the thought of someone else having the phone number I had when I was growing up.
100. I have a really great long term memory.
Whew, glad that's over, it only took me 3 days. Hope it's not too boring.
Great list!! I would love to paint for you..I just hate picking out colors. I would though. I have painted at least one room per week since we've moved in!
I am crazy about mail too. I am so mean I even try to get it before my kids. I hate it when my husband gets it and leafs through it or opens it before I do. I love love love mail! Have since I was a teenager. Weird!
Glad you did that list!
I absolutely love your list. I must try it myself.
Screw the list. I absolutely love you.
I thought your list was great. I would be more than happy to help you paint and decorate your house. I am painting B.s room green right now. I should be finished tomorrow and then I will post pictures on the blog. I am great at picking out colors.
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