Friday, August 29, 2008

The Colorado State Fair

I didn't take too many pictures of the fair and the parade but here are a few. I NEED a new camera.

Isabella and Giuliana waiting for the parade to start

Nancy's adorable Sassy (look at the cowboy boots!)

Best pals Fred and Baby B

Isabella playing in the bean box

Giuli riding the carousel at the fair

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bathtub Thieves

I give up. They beg and they beg and they beg to use my tub and I always say no. I just couldn't take it anymore! Hahaha.

Baby Smash!

I am a little slow on the blog checking lately but as I was catching up I came across this post and downloaded the program my friend was writing about. Baby Smash is a wonderful program that has saved my sanity with my youngest computer obsessed daughter. Now when I walk away my computer remains safe and Giuli has the time of her life. Please check it out here and use it if your kids like to play with the computers. Yay Baby Smash and thanks Melanie for telling us about it!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Hindu Ceremony

Monina being carried in by her cousins
Tony waiting for her
Two families become one
Tony, Zia Dolores, and Monina

Then and Now in Napa

Napa Trip 2008: The Wineries

Jake and the girls at the Artesa Winery

Isabella posing at the Artesa Winery

View from Artesa

Giuliana wanted to put her swimming suit on and get in the fountain

We didn't go in this winery because the kids fell asleep, looked nice from the outside though.

Napa Trip 2008: Second Trip to San Francisco

Giuli and Bella on the ferry to San Francisco

Jake at the Hard Rock Cafe

Fisherman's Wharf

The girls posing with the sea lion statue

Ciao Bella Gelato YUM!

Isabella's Lemon Gelato

Giuliana's Pear Gelato

Giuli trying to share her cotton candy

The girls waiting for the return ferry


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Napa Trip 2008: The Rehearsal Dinner

Monina and Tony thanking everyone

Jake and Cousin Gian

Great decorations, great message!

More great decorations

Our table

The girls and Tony, who can't seem to take a picture with his eyes open.

Monina giving the girls gifts for being in the wedding

A great picture of Daddy and Isabella