Saturday, October 25, 2008

Taking a Different Path

After 5 months in our new home we have come to realize that this house does not suit us. Though it's been a great home and it is beautiful we have found it difficult to keep up with as so much of it was let go for a long time. It's hard to describe, it just never felt like home and the cost to run and maintain a home this size is something that has been stressing us out for a couple of months. We have decided to move, this will be our last week on Kingston Street (but I will keep the same blog address.) This is our new home. Wishing all of you well, I will post again after we are officially moved in.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hoban Funnies

Me: Isabella, what did you have for lunch at school today?

Isabella: A sandwich, green beans, and milk.

Me: What kind of sandwich?

Isabella: Well it had cheese and bread and hamen.

Me: What's hamen?

Isabella: You know, it was a hamen (ham and) cheese sandwich.

Me: Ahhh.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Did You Ever Notice???

I can't get my precious youngest daughter to smile in pictures. Of course that's only one of about 100 things I can't get my precious youngest daughter to do. Ah 2....5 more months to go.

Isabella's Last Soccer Game

It was 38 degrees and starting to snow.

Bella before the game

Giuli warming in the car

How Giuli and I spent 90% of the game.

Different Ages, Different Personalities

4 Years old, Listens to Mommy

2 years old, NEVER listens to Mommy

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Visit With the Boys Again

The boys after lunch

Check out that awesome mobile!!

Beautiful Ben

Busy Family

Tristan with the hiccups

Darn hat!

Proud Grandma

How Do You Save Money?

With the economy suffering right now Jake and I have decided to evaluate our expenses and see where we could cut back. I thought I would post another question on my blog since you were all so great about answering the last one. What is your greatest money saving tip? I will try to post our money saving tips on the blog on a weekly basis. Thanks!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Today when I picked up Isabella from pre-school her teacher asked if I had 5 minutes to talk. She said that she has noticed that Isabella writes and traces with her right hand and draws, paints and colors with her left hand. She said this could be problematic in Elementary school and that we should encourage her to use only one hand for all writing, drawing, coloring and painting. I thought this was a little silly but I wanted to put it out there and ask for advice, Isabella has been doing this since she could hold a crayon, we never could tell if she was right handed or left handed since she uses both equally. My question is, should I comply with her teacher's request or should I let her express herself in writing the way she feels most comfortable?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Playing in the Driveway

McDonalds Play Place

Looks innocent enough, right? The kids asked me to play in McDonalds today and I agreed. I never take them in to play in these things, I don't know why but today I found my reason. While Giuli was too scared to go in Bella went in full steam. I watched her play and tunnel around and everything was going fine until about 10 minutes before I wanted to leave. I put Giuli's shoes on and when I went to find Bella and yell for her to come down I couldn't find her. I looked everywhere along with another Mother who was frantically looking for her kid too. About 8 minutes go by and I am losing my mind and finally she comes down the slide with a bright red face and tear soaked cheeks. I snatched her up and she told me that she got lost and couldn't find her way out. I felt horrible and then I was very angry. These things stink, they have too many places where your kid can go and not be seen and they are all tunnels so adults (even skinny ones) can't get to their kids. Needless to say we are not going back. Dumb McDonalds.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How We Spend Our Sundays

Playing Pool
and eating homemade guac and watching football. Life is sweetest during football season. ;)