Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sister Love

Getting Ready for Bed

Fun on a Warm Day

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Giuli's Pancakes

She is just being cute today!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I found this picture on my aunt's facebook page. I just love it and felt the need to post it. These are my Dad's brothers and sisters.

(l-r) My Dad, Luigi, David and Tony
Mary, Michelina, and Carmen

Vintage Photos

Isabella had these pictures done last year at her preschool. She's pretty cute in any time period.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Christmas Eve

We opened our family gifts on Christmas Eve this year because we were going to be spending all of Christmas Day with the Grandparents. The girls were so sweet and Jake and I scored big when we gave them blue and pink adventure kits complete with tents, flashlights, telescopes, and watches. It was really fun and the girls even took some of their things to bed!

Advent Calendars

Every year our friend Gail send the girls Advent Calendars for Christmas. This year both of the girls were old enough to not only enjoy their chocolates (bummer for us) but find the numbers by themselves. They had a blast and I can't thank Gail enough for thinking of us.

Family Dinner

I know I show a lot of food pictures but I just love Family Dinners. Since Jake works late a lot we don't get to have the whole family at the table everynight so when we do and when dinner is good I just get really excited and have to take pictures! The last picture makes me hungry!


Sorry we haven't posted in a while. All of us have been super sick lately but I am happy to report that I have found my lost memory card and will be able to put our Christmas pictures up this afternoon. For now here are some things I learned while we were sick.

*Giuliana always gets the sickest
*Bella can now make it to the potty chair before she throws up.
*Jake hasn't thrown up since he was a kid and probably never will again. CRAP!
*My kids don't care when I am sick.
*Blueberries look like blood when they come back up at 5:30am.
*Jake does know how to cook and clean the kitchen.
*A long walk in the sun after being sick all week does 4 bodies good.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Nonna's 2009 Christmas Card


(Back Row) Giuliana, Tony, Carolina, Isabella, Gianna, and Jake
(Front) Nonna, Diamond, Dan and Me

Christmas With Nonna

My Mom started a tradition 3 years ago that she would buy everyone in the family matching pjs for Christmas. No one hates this tradition more than Jake which just fuels my Mom's fire and inspires her to get the cheesiest pjs she can find. Jake complained so much this year that she promised feety-jammies next year with a drop seat!!! I can't wait.

Tony and Giuliana (she has a serious crush on him!)
practice shot (Mom and Carolina, look at Gianna, she still does it!)

Carolina and Isabella laughing at Gianna

waiting for me to set up the camera

Working Backwards....Happy New Year!

Jake and I don't usually do anything for New Year's Eve but this year we decided to have friends over. We were the first stop for a couple of people but Jenn and Brandon (and the boys) stayed for the long night, it was very nice and I really wish I would have taken more pictures. Happy New Year!

Jenn and Tristan, Brandon and Ben
Matt and Hillary

Isabella and Ben

Isabella, Amelia, and Giuliana

Goofy kids!!