Thursday, October 7, 2010

Back to Blogging

Ok, we are going to try again. I have been away from the blog for 3 months because it's easier to update on facebook but I miss the blog. I miss using my real camera instead of the lousy phone camera. So we will try again.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Jacob's First Haircut

Before, and messy!

After, still kind of messy!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Thursday Night Pajama Party

This week was Isabella's Spring Break and we were struck with terrible weather all week! By Wednesday we were pulling our hair out trying to find things to do so we decided to do a big Pajama Party the next night. Since we are new to Grand Junction we didn't have any friends to invite but we had a blast all by ourselves. We started things out with blowing up the bouncy house (seen deflated in the background) which was a blast. Then we had a dance contest, makeovers (Daddy was pleased we left Jacob out of that one) and we blew up the air mattress for the scary movie (Monster House.) Both girls had a blast and Daddy said he couldn't take me seriously in my matching pig tails and makeup! :)

I Think I Scared Jacob

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I Wanna Be Like Daddy!

The Daddy Brow

Daddy's Face

Daddy's Phone!

Mommo and Her Great-Great Grandkids

Mommo and Jacob
(she said the headband was keeping her hair out of her way)

Isabella was nervous so she posed while no one was looking but me! : )

Giuliana LOVES Mommo and had a great time riding around on her walker.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Sweet Boys!

Chocolate-Covered-Banana-Jungle Muffins

Chocolate-Covered-Banana-Jungle Muffins
1 3/4 c. Flour
2 t. Baking Powder
1/2 t. Salt
3/4 c. Milk
1 Egg; beaten
1/2 c. Sugar
1/3 c. Cooking Oil
3 Over Ripe Bananas
handful of chocolate chips
blue or green food coloring
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
In a large mixing bowl stir together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.
Make a well in the center.
Combine egg, milk, and oil.
Add egg mixture all at once to flour mixture.
Add bananas well smashed.
Add blue or green food coloring (requires quite a bit since the batter is not white)
Grease muffin cups or line with paper bake cups; fill 2/3 full.
Sprinkle chocolate chips onto each cup.
Bake for 20-25 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean
Remove from pans; serve warm.

Tumblin' Monkeys

Dinner Prep

Giuliana is always in the kitchen with me. She always wants to be involved in cooking. It makes Jake and I laugh though because she is always there when I start but her interest only lasts about 15-20 minutes and then she is wants to go do something else. I put her in her spot and she asked me to take her picture, she's too funny!

Giuli Gets the Camera

Dinner Time

Pasta is a huge deal around here and all of the kids can't wait to eat it. Probably because we start the sauce first thing in the morning and smell it cooking all day long. Even Jacob is getting into it now!

"Is it ready yet?"


Jacob's bowl!

"whoa, this isn't sweet potatoes!"

Friday, February 19, 2010

Future Artists

Trampoline Fun!

I could only get one picture to load, and of course it wasn't an action shot but at least it's both of them! :)