Monday, July 20, 2009

Not Me Monday

Getting a late start but oh well.

After a long night up with the baby I did NOT let the girls eat ritz crackers for breakfast. I know that getting them started out right is the best thing for them and I would never let them begin their day with such a lousy breakfast.

After banning the kids from our room from now on I did NOT let Isabella back in to nap and have quiet time, I mean rules are rules and they lost that privilege and they need structure.

There is NOT a pile of dead spiders, earwigs, and beetles in our entry way. Once we kill a pest we pick it up and throw it away, we care about how our house looks and we are definitely NOT scared to touch them.

Last week after noticing that our car was broken into we did NOT fail to notice that Jake's bike and pool cue were also stolen out of our garage. We are highly organized and the garage is always spic and span.

Lastly we did NOT waste our time without Isabella and Giuliana home this week by just sleeping in and hit the movie theater. We knew this was the best time to clean out the house and decorate their rooms and catch up with being a family of 3.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What a Difference a Week Makes

I thought Jacob might have my darker eyes but it looks like I was wrong. They are getting lighter blue every day and these pictures show it well. Yay for more Daddy-eyes!

Just Maggie

Friday, July 10, 2009

Home Decorating, Newborn Style

Our living room doesn't quite look the same with a newborn around, thankfully this is temporary. Yikes, we have a lot of stuff. :0)

Breast pump (always ready to go)

pack and play (for changings and sleeping)

new whale bathtub (and load of laundry)

Boppy and Fire engine blanket (for cozy feedings)

bouncy seat on the kitchen table (for family dinners)

vaporizer for a very stuffy baby

and trusty diaper bag, always loaded and ready to go.

Fun With Ladybugs

Fun With Photoshop

This is fun. One I "popped" the yellow and the other the blue. Yippie!

Blowing Bubbles with Nonna

Sleepy Daddy


My girls got their amazing eyes from their Dad and they just blow me away sometimes. I recently took a few pictures that remind me just how beautiful they are. Jacob's eyes are dark now but are getting lighter everyday (along with his hair!)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I was also trying to work on my photography skills with a long range lens and better light choices, still working on it but here are a few good shots.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Not Me Monday

A lot of my friends and other blogs I read do a "Not Me Monday" post every week and I think I am going to join in. It is a really fun way to live in denial.

So last week.....

I did NOT get showered, dressed, and blow dried for the first time on the 4th of July since the baby came home. I would never do that, hygiene is a huge priority in this house.

When Jake took "Bo" away from Isabella for a night for not flushing the toilet AGAIN I did NOT sneak into her room and tuck it under arm after she fell asleep. Rules are rules and I would never undermine Jake's authority.

I did NOT to go Starbucks every day last week and buy multiple coffees and smoothie drinks just to combat the fatigue of staying up with a newborn. I know that Starbucks is expensive and we are on a tight budget and that I should just rest instead of using caffeine.

I did NOT laugh my a** off at my oldest daughter when she asked her Dad "what the hell are you doing?" and tell that story to multiple friends and family members in front of her while laughing. We do not approve of bad language and she was severely punished.

Lastly, I did NOT ask Jake to smell my armpits a few times last night once I realized the herbs I am taking made my sweat smell like maple syrup. I mean, come on, I don't sweat and even if I did I would run to the shower instead of chasing my husband around the house with my arms in the air saying " just do it!!"

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Just Hanging Out

Bath time

Well he loved the bath as much as his sisters did AND tried to drink the bath water, just like his sisters did. Ha!